Electra Gillies Founded Eco Gypsy - A Nod to Her Name & Origins from Indian Gypsies as Well as Nomadic Lifestyle. Being a Myriad of Ethnic Mixtures Meant Growing Up in a Between Four Continents & Leading a Peripatetic Lifestyle.
After Completing Her MSc in Environmental Sciences at SOAS, London, An Impulsive Foray into Travel Writing Led Her to Work for Prestigious Publications such as The Independent, Condé Nast Traveller UK & The Ecologist.
It Was a Detour from West Papua to Bali to that Led Her to be Based on the Island of the Gods for Over a Decade Whilst Continuing Her Global Travels.
Electra’s Awareness of Both Globalisation, the Increase of Travel & Fashion Impacting - or Worse Wiping Out Entire Areas or Communities - Led Her to the Conclusion that in the New Digital World a Web Based Magazine & Sustainable Brand Were Fundamental Ways to Rebuild Future Consumerism.